Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Few Pics

Here are a couple pics, not much with the looks department has changed, still have the cutest little features! All the babies have been under the bilirubin lights for a couple days, we'll see what today brings. Lincoln is the Best eater and so we get to hold him a little more to feed. It is fun to see them chowing down on the food rather than watching food get put into a tube. Carter is doing well and Tatum is still having a rough time. She has a few things wrong with her so there is a lot to try and treat and needs a lot of ventilation assistance. For now she is stable, but she has had some long days- not much rest with someone always moving or poking her- but is our little Angel Baby and is fighting through. No new pictures of Tatum... she isn't quite as fun to look at. So the first two are of Lincoln and the last is Carter being a stud!!


Trevor and Heather Caffall said...

Hang in there Tatum! We are praying for you. I love the picture of little Carter... classic.

Skinners said...

We are praying for all of you! Hang in there!

Cec said...

Congrats to you guys!!! It's crazy to see three babies! We will keep them all in our prayers!

KH said...

Carter is a stud, you weren't kidding. We are praying for all of you. I love seeing pictures of them. I am pretty much stalking your blog waiting for updates. So I will be back soon!!!

joe said...

Jen and Ben,
They are amazing - WOW!!!!
We're praying for your little family, so excited for you-wish we were there to help!
Shelli & Joe

Amy said...

Congratulations, what precious babies. We will be praying for all of you.

Jared said...

We will continue to pray for you guys.Thanks for the updates.

Claydens said...

you're sweet family is in our prayers.Hope tomorrow is a better day for little Tatum.

Flaherty Fam said...

They are so adorable. We are praying that they get better and get to come home soon.

The Carlson Crew said...

It was so fun to see you guys and meet the darling little babies. I love that last picture of Carter. He totally looks like he's in a tanning bed :) We think about and pray for you all the time. Let us know when we can pitch in and do anything to help.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

They are still so cute. We're praying for little Tatum.

Unknown said...

That is wonderful news that they are here! I am so happy that they are safe and Jenny is healthy. We'll be praying for your little girl. And hope the boys are doing good too! They are darling. I can't wait to see "matching" pictures of them as they grow.

Unknown said...

Congratulations McDowell Family! We're praying for all of you. 'Ofa atu from our family - Mote, Nia, Kina, Pou, Seta and Poli.

William and Marianne said...

i am still in awe of you guys! hope little tatum gets better. glad the boys are strong! how is jen doin'? your all in our prayers!!

Shelley said...

I do love the sweet eye wear! They look adorable and we all are praying that they all continue to improve.