Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another day

We'll get around to posting some more pics in a bit-- when Ben gets off school he can take care of that! Still hanging out at the hospital and trying to enjoy the room service! Tatum has been put on a ventilator still struggling with the breathing. The nurses are trying to find the right amount of help that she needs, but since she is a good size baby and fighting to help it is a little more difficult. Carter and Lincoln started eating from a bottle, and whatever they don't get from that they have a feeding tube rather than an IV- so an upgrade there... What else... Carter is a strong little boy but has little problems that arise and get blamed from only having a 2 vessel cord. He keeps getting new tests done and we keep awaiting the news. Lincoln is just Lincoln and loves to chill and cover his whole face with his beanie. That is that and we'll see what the day continues to bring!


Michelle Bell said...

Congrats little sis--- you need to call me!!

William and Marianne said...

still cant believe it! LOVE THE UPDATED!!!!
get some sleep =) lv, mar

akdoxey said...

Ben and Jenny- I am so excited for you guys. You are amazing Jenny! Those babies look so good, esp for their size. I hope things continue to go well, both with the kids and Jenny- I'm glad you're taking advantage of the room service, hope you're getting lots of sleep. Can't wait to see more pics!

Amber Kay

KH said...

You are all in our prayers. Keep us posted and let us know if there is anything that we can do. Anything at all.

The Carlson Crew said...

It's amazing how they already have little personalities, and they're such individuals. And they're so cute...look at those eyes! We can't wait to meet them! Let us know what we can do, if there's anything you need us to bring you or take care of at home until you get there. Take care!
Chrissy & Pete

Levi, Disney Fanatic said...

Ben & Jen- Congratulations to you! I love the pictures of your little ones. They look really good, and seem to be doing well. Your little boys are rockstars, eating already! We'll keep you in our prayers- let us know if you need anything.
Matt & Erin Petersen

Skousen Family! said...

I hope you are feeling ok Jenny! I can't wait to see you guys I hope it is soon!!
call us when you have some free time to talk we love you guys and you are in our prayers.. give thoses babies big hug and kisses from us!

Adam and Nikki said...

We love the updates, keep posting and just so you know we are anxiously awaiting more pics of your cute kids. Love the names by the way!

Tammy said...

Congrats, what a sweet family , most people take there time adding one at a time, but hurray for you and yours, three at a time that is so great. We are so excited for you, we are praying for all of yours to be healthy and home soon, enjoy the pamapering while you can, life will hit soon enough.
Our Chelsea is due in Jan.. with our first grandbaby (just
0ne), just a little news for you.
I went to the temple today and Bens grandma Flerety (sp) was one of the session directors it was nice to give her a little extra squeeze, even though she doesnt really know me , we took institute together the last few years with Ann, bless all of your hearts, we all miss her there. love ya and are so happy for your new little ones arriving mostly heathly. May the Lord continue to bless you for this extra special gift of life to three of his valiant spirits.

Stockwells said...

Congrats on the trips....
I remember when I had the twins at 34 and 1/2 weeks.. Of course I told you are story and am glad to hear you didn't face the same delivery challenges.. Our little boy Alex was the healthy one and of course the little girls have to be the fighters. Lexi to struggled with her breathing (thanks to idiot docs who pinched off her cord) the twins were delivered 40 min apart. Lexi's apgar was a 1. She was such a fighter though.. We found that she would breathe better and her pulse would come down when her daddy would sit and hold her hand and talk to her. (we couldn't hold her because she was on a respirater and multiple other things. A blessing was a key to her recovery I believe anyway... I am excited for you guys and the HUGE journey you have ahead of you.. I know we don't know each other very well but from what I have seen you two will be so amazing in raising your babes.. Please call if you need anything. Have lots of free time when you need some rest.. Good Luck and Congrats.
Jenny Stockwell
P.S. Very Cute babes! Brings back those NICU memories...